Artichoke Herb & Extract | Nutrition/ Animal Feed/ Food/ Cosmetics Applications
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Nutrition & SupplementArtichoke leaf, stem, and root are used to make extracts which contain a high concentration of certain chemicals found in the plant. These extracts are used as medicine ingredients. Artichoke extract is increasingly popular as a supplement.
• Anti-hyperlipidemia: It can effectively reduce the levels of TG, TC and LDL in the serum and liver.
• Protect the liver: increases the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from your liver.
• Balance blood sugar: slow down the activity of alpha-glucosidase.
Animal FeedArtichoke Extract can be applied as animal food additive. The commonly used specifications are 2%-5% Cynarin; 1%-2.5% Chlorogenic acid.
• In pig feed: improve intestinal microbes, safe for pigs, no adverse effects.
• In beef cattle feed: often used for beef cattle fattening. It can greatly reduce production costs and improve the economic benefits.
• In lactating dairy cows feed: increase milk production with good taste.
More Industries:
• Antioxidant activity: prevent oxidative deterioration of foods and prolonging the shelf life of foods.• Food & Beverage: quick-frozen or processed into canned, aperitifs products.
• Pharmaceutical: digestion aid tablets, oral capsules, etc.
• Cosmetics: Anti-oxidant and anti-aging products.
Herbs & botanical extract Supplier
Naturalin is a supplier producing plant extract, herbs & spices, essential oils and organic products for natural ingredients for nutrition, animal nutrition, food and beverage, personal care industries. If you have any needs, please click here to get help.
1. Gebhardt R.Inhibition of cholesterol biosyntheis in primary cultured rat hepatocytes by artichoke (cynara scolymus L) extracts[J]. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998,286:1122-1128
2. Hiroshi Shimoda, Kiyofumi Ninomiya.Anti-hyperlipidemic sesquiterpenes and New sesquiterpene glycosides from the leaves of artichoke (cynara scolymus L): structure requirement and mode of action[J]. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,2003,13:223-228
3. Stalikas C D. Phenolic acids and flavonoids: occurrence and analytical methods[M]//Free radicals and antioxidant protocols. Humana Press, 2010: 65-90.
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