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Olive Leaf Extract: Wide Range of Applications

Author : Naturalin Marketing Dept. Date : March 12, 2025 Click : times
Olive leaf extract (patent product) is derived from the leaves of the Olea europaea botanical, better known as the Olive tree. This tree is native to the Mediterranean areas of Europe and Africa, and cultivated worldwide. Olive has been cultivated for over 3,000 years. Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians all used this tree as a food source and source of plant medicine. 

The early societies used olive leaf extract for pain, fevers, blood sugar, infections and anxiety. More recently, the substance has been used to treat malaria, colds, flu and many other conditions. Needless to say, the positive effect is due in part to the powerful and health-boosting benefits of the olive leaf. Modern chemical analysis showed that the main ingredients of Canarium album are polyphenols, such as Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, Bievifolin, Hyperin and 3, 3-Diomethy lellagic acid, and other types of tann in polyphenol compounds.

Health Benefit

Modern pharmacology studies shown that Canarium album polyphenolsen-hanced human immunity and had a function of anti-oxidant, ant-i virus, anti-inflammatory, anti-drunk as well as blood sugar control increasing bone density and calcium content, ant-ihepatitis B virus. Several international and domestic companies have been conducting the research and commercial polyphenols products were available in the market. These properties point to research-backed health benefits below: 

olive leaf extractNutrition
Lower Risk of Diabetes
Oleuropein in olive leaf extract can reduce blood sugar by improving the expression of liver InsR, IRS-1, GLUT-2 mRNA and protein. Studies also show that olive leaf extract can reduce your body’s insulin resistance, one of the biggest risk factors for diabetes. 

Improve Cardiovascular Health
Research shows that olive leaf extract helps prevent LDL (bad) cholesterol from building up in your arteries. This effect helps increase blood flow and lower blood pressure, reducing your risk of heart disease. 

Personal Care

Olive leaf extract has a long history of use in personal care industry. Toxicological test results show that oleuropein is a relatively safe additive that can meet the requirements of personal care additives applications. (conform to EU standards) Such as applied in toothpaste.

Olive leaf extract applied in skin care can protect against the harsh effects of the weather, the elements, and environmental stressors and pollutants. It slows the appearance of the signs of aging, nourishes and purifies the skin, calms irritation, repairs damage, reduces redness, hydrates, stimulates the growth of new cells, and enhances circulation.

Animal Nutrition
Feed Additives

Its antibacterial effect of Hydroxytyrosol can be used as natural antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal products for agricultural and pest control applications.

Naturalin® expertise in botanical extracts and natural ingredients. We can meet any of your natural needs. If you consider you need help now, give the Naturalin professional team a email at sales@naturalin.com and let us know how we can help you! 
Label: Olive Leaf Extract
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